Watching Porn with Sister III
Watching Porn with Sister III
Meet my brother, Chad, he’s very popular at school. All my girlfriends gush about how hot he is and how they would love to be his girlfriend. I’ve never thought about my brother as hot, but seeing these girls fawn over him so much makes me feel a little weird, a little protective. Sexuality is a funny thing, isn’t it? I’m attracted to guys that look like my brother even though I think my brother is quite possibly the most annoying guy on the planet. I’ll watch him sometimes and squint my eyes to pretend he is a different guy. Why do girls like guys that look like him, he’s sexy in a stereotypical sort of way, the Clark Kent jaw, the buzzed hair, big muscles, tan skin, and boyish expressions on his masculine face. I wonder what a guy that looks like him would want from a girl? Would a guy like him want a girl like me? Ugh, guys are so mysterious, but I want to learn more about them. I steal his iPhone sometimes to do research, and I’ve found we have a common interest.. porn.